It sucks. When you feel everyone is just as annoying as nyonyo. When you feel that everything is wrong. Every single thing that people do is WRONG. And you feel like stabbing all of them hard to the core. It's called pms. And that's what exactly i'm going through right now, at this very time. And i hate everyone within 0,5 metre radius from me, including mas2 108 karena kelamaan ngomong waalaikumsalam.
Sharusnya gue bisa as chill as i've been selama ini. Cuman kali ini kayaknya udah klimaks bgt i barely hold on. Saat lo ngerasa semuanya itu payah dan worthless, dan rese dan ngeseli dan segala macamnya (lo sebutin aja satu kamus hal2 yang ngebetein dalam berbagai bahasa), tiba2 semua hal yg ngebetein itu ilang kayak keisep blackhole trs lo akan mulai mikirin hal2 di luar hal2-yg-ngebetein tadi. Things that youve been hiding for quite long. Things that you just dont want to discuss but you cant deny that you still craving for the solution itself. Things that you pretend never happened. Things that seems so blurry that when you try to recall it, it feels so hurt. Things that come up in my mind suddenly and replace all of today's-suck-things and in the end, made me cry (out loud).
Sebenernya sih ga keluar2 amat ya air matanya cuman semua hal2 ketek itu cukup membuat gue tremble sambil sesek kesakitan, kedengeran lebay emang tapi memang begitu yg gue rasain. Di saat hati lo yang menangis tak bisa digambarkan lewat air mata lo. Wakaka ketai.
Yah pokoknya suck aja semua suck. Gue sedih mikirin hal yang seharusnya ga gue pikirin dan emang ga ada abisnya jadi cuman wasting soul aja kl dipikirin.
Galau selamanya ini mah.
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