But the real sumatif is just about to start.
Yes, now it's the 2nd week of sumatif. In this 2nd week there are 3 days of sumatif.
The first day which is today. Is Physic.
Yep and I haven't mastered all the materials. And today's test was a(nother) big Failure which I hope is not.
The second day, is Biology and EP.
Yes, EP. Bukan praktik, tp teori. OR secara teori. Backsound: "Wasting timeee all along you've just been wasting mineeeh!"
Biology nya nih yang uurrrghhhh gaaaahhhh aaaargghhh ggyyaaaaaa. Materinya 6 bab. Soalnya kalo ga 50 ya paling 60. Dan dari 5 bab awal yg keluar katanya cmn 30 soal. Met bgt yaw MET BGDH. Jadi alhasil so finally akhirnya~~ gue bljr bab2 awal dari bta aja. I've worn out pleaseeee I've tired enough lho. Kenapa di saat saat begini keliatannya time doesn't pass with a blink of an eye like it used to sih hiks. Dan kalo kata tisya sih "kita sedang ditertawakan semesta" well semesta, I'm tellin you, it's not funny at all, beb! Tp emg gue nya jg sih yg agak males2an. Hmmm gue yakin kalo gue niat bgt seniat niatnya umat plg ganiat, pasti gue bs bljr dgn bener trs akhirnya bs ngerjain soal2nya dgn lancar tanpa hambatan kayak tol cikampek kalo lg hari sekolah. Tp nyatanya gue jg males2an gini hfftt. Abs post ini gue bljr deh hmmmm. Anyway, the last and yes the least, and wait.. The worst. Is~~~~~~~
The third day, MATHELLMATIC.
Ups sorry did I spell it with hell? Well yes apparently it does.
I don't have any idea what am I gonna do with this last and super least subject. Crying out loud inside maybe? Not helping. Gangerti deh mau gimana lagi gak kuku saya gak kuku mamaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Ya mau gimana lagi mau gamau, sadar gasadar, terima gaterima, idup gaidup, mati maumati, tetep harus ngerjain dan belajar. Kehidupan remaja sman delapan yang penuh drama ya begini lah. Bentar lagi kayaknya gua rasa sman 8 tiap kelas tiap sudut tiap jendela mesti dikasih kamera ya. Biar kita bisa lambai2 sambil jerit2 "MAS TOLONG SAYA GAK KUAT. I GIVE UP! NYERAH MAS! HELP! TOLONG MAS LONTONG! SURRENDER! RELEASE ME! I'M BEGGIN FOR MERCY! AKO TRESNO KARO KOWE!" Oke yg paling belakang jangan dijeritin. Please math. Untuk bermiliarmiliarmiliarmiliartriliun kalinya saya bilang, saya nyerah. Please why don't u just be nice w me sekali saja sih? Hiks.
My life achievement's list yg paling atas nih ya: "GAREMED MAT LAGI. HAPPY FOREVER AFTER."
Gadeng. Gapaling atas. Setelah list ketemu Chris Martin of course yeah. Eh setelah dilamar Logan Lerman deng. Eh tunggu, setelah dicium freddie highmore! Oke gue lupa dmn letak list itu. Tp yg jelas ada dan I'm struggling to achieve it and I can't stop dreaming to achieve it. And I wish and believe that someday I will really able to achieve it.
Okay then enough with the drama scene, and let's study bio cid. Gila gue blm bljr smskl mamaaaaa I'm doomed for another day hihihiyy.
Bye lovers~ cupcupmuah
Astrid L♥
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